
Ember.js Logo

A framework for creating ambitious web applications.

Francesco Novy / @_fnovy

What is Ember.js?

  • Ember.js is a framework for web applications
  • It is well suited for complex applications
  • It is not well suited to implement small parts inside of a greater application

Who uses Ember.js?

Who uses Ember.js?

Why use Ember?

  • Frequent release cycle with strict semantic versioning
  • Integrated CLI with build-step etc.
  • Convention over Configuration
  • Easy to collaborate with designers/other developers
  • Integrated data layer

Release Cycle

  • A minor release every 6 weeks
  • A major release every ~2 years
  • Minor releases can introduce new features and deprecate old features
  • It is guaranteed that all features keep working until the next major release!
  • Updating is a matter of minutes

Ember CLI

  • Integrated command line interface for Ember
  • Enables out of the box:
    • Development server
      ember serve
    • Build with fingerprinting, minifying etc.
      ember build
    • Testing with QUnit
      ember test
    • Generating blueprints
      ember generate model user

Ember CLI - Getting Started

  • Get Node & NPM
  • Install Bower
    npm install bower -g
  • Install Ember-CLI
    npm install ember-cli -g
  • Create a new app
    ember new my-app

Use the JavaScript from tomorrow, today

  • ES6 is automatically transpiled with Babel.js
  • Ember-CLI is based on ES6 modules


  • All Ember-CLI apps are built in the same way.
  • This makes it very easy to collaborate or to inspect other ember apps!


Easy to use - for programmers and designers!



    {{#each myArray as |item|}}
  • {{item}}
  • {{/each}}
{{#if isActive}} This is active! {{else}} This is inactive... {{/if}}

Code Example

// app/pods/users/controller.js

import Ember from "ember";

export default Ember.Controller.extend({
  users: ["John", "Anna", "Max"]

// app/pods/users/template.hbs

All Users

{{#each users as |user|}}

Built on Components

Components should be designed to be reusable. Ember want you to use as many components as possible!

All Users

{{#each users as |user|}} {{my-user-component userName=user}} {{/each}}

Example Component

// app/pods/components/my-user-component/component.js

import Ember from "ember";

export default Ember.Component.extend({
  isAdmin: Ember.computed("attrs.userName", function() {
      return this.getAttr("userName") === "John";

// app/pods/components/my-user-component/template.hbs

{{userName}}{{#if isAdmin}} - Admin User{{/if}}

Ember Data

No manual

// app/pods/user/model.js

import DS from "ember-data";

export DS.Model.extend({
  name: DS.attr("string"),
  age: DS.attr("number")

// app/pods/user/controller.js

var user = this.store.createRecord("user");
user.set("name", "John");


Ember-CLI provides hooks, which makes it possible to have a unified API for addons.

Sass instead of CSS?

    							ember install ember-cli-sass
  • Rename "app.css" into "app.scss"


    							ember install ember-cli-autoprefixer

... and many more.

  • Fake API for development: ember-cli-mirage
  • moment.js: ember-moment
  • Authentification: ember-simple-auth
  • Deployment: ember-cli-deploy
  • ...

Thank you for your attention!

... there is a lot to learn about Ember, and the beginning can seem daunting.

This presentation: